
Showing posts from May, 2017

Best Practices: jQuery for SharePoint development

Rule 1 Set jQuery in no conflict state This requires you to use jQuery instead of $ For example, write jQuery("elementId").text("hello"); instead of $("elementId").text("hello"); Rule 2 Use SharePoint's _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames array instead of jQuery’s document ready function SharePoint uses its own body onload function called _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames which will collide with your document ready (run before or after).  If you are loading your JavaScript files through the elements.xml file (through a feature in Visual Studio), this can be particularly problematic with the order of how things load. Instead, create a function with a custom name, and push the custom name into the _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames array.  It’s wonderful and allows things to load in their proper order. For example, write _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push("myCustomFunctionName"); function myCustomFunctionName() {      // My custom funct...